Thursday, March 8, 2007

Friendship Disclaimer

We all have come across them from time to time. Perhaps you even still party/hang with them. You know the types, you break bread with them one minute and the next their talking shit about how you broke the bread.

Women have taken the gossiping rap for many years if not centuries. It's no secret, it may have had a pretty name to cover it up, "Tea Time" "Ladies Luncheon" all meant lets get together and talk shit. Whether you were aristocratic or "unrefined" you still did it. Being that in every circle, envy exists. But to say that it's all the ladies would be naive.

Men have aced this subject all to well. They are if not at the least good at it, worse than the bitches...A man gossiping little bitch is the worst of all.

You know the types...their friends come over for a couple of drinks. He shows up with no worries in the world (maybe its cause he's umm, I dunno, private?) he's not a show-off, just a person who listens to his own beat. When he leaves, the roll of the eyes begins. It takes one of these "MAN-WO's" to say something stupid and the rest will follow in with the jokes about the guy. But when they see him, "sure pull up a chair, have a beer." The funny thing is the guys who follow along are getting laughed and talked about as soon as they leave the room as well. Idiots all cause they are threatened by one another. What ever happened to acceptance?
It is the idea that no one can be truly happy because I am not. These shit talkers don't even realize it because they are too busy trying to find out what's wrong with everyone else so they can say, "whew, at least I don't have THOSE problems." They irony is that these people who talk shit have worse problems; child molesters, fuck up on their mates, ignore their kids, drunks, have kids w/ different people, can't hold a relationship for more than two months, bad credit, druggies, you get the idea. The point being that EVERYONE has problems. But these fucks somehow believe they are above the mark. They are the exception. They don't realize their shit's more rotten than those they talk shit about.

What does it serve them to point out the problems of others? They need to point that finger at themselves. Focus their energy on their life. Fix their shit. If they did, then they too would be truly happy...AND yes, be the victim of someone else's shit talking fests. Because gossip will always exist. It just depends what side you are on.

Back stabbing...what really drives a person to do it? There has to be a point in the person's mind that says, "Uh, this might not be the nicest thing to do." But do it anyway cause they need drama in their life. They are not satisfied until others are miserable. The act of willingly putting others in pain (regardless on the degree), is the lack of respect for the human spirit. They were not taught to value/appreciate the differences among us. They see others as little ants needing to be squashed for whatever demented reason. The act of conspiring against others shows the lack of the human heart and quite frankly the lack of balls the person possesses. Meaning that they would rather slither their way to prove a point than to confront the person face to face and say "Look, I just don't like you." Because, no one really wants to look like an ass, it's just better to back stab someone so they get the point? What ever the reason that drives a person to do it, for self gain, whatever, it just proves how little they really are. Cunningly keeping secrets, conspiring, conniving, at someone else's expense, shows how their parents failed at teaching them how to value life and really it is a pity to see adults lower themselves in this manner. Why would you want to let others know how evil a person you really are? Like the song goes, "They smile in your face, all the while they want to take your place." That's what it boils down to. Wanting to hurt someone else cause they want what you have. Embarrassing.

What's sick is most of these people truly believe their own shit don't stink. Goody two shoes I call 'em. They have forgotten that they too once suffered, had problems, still do then feel cause they have checked off another mark of "The American Dream" list, they can sit back, thumb their nose and judge. Get over yourself. Nothing you possess is guaranteed and it's what is in the inside that truly matters. If you find yourself looking down at others, I say, look behind you chances are, the people you are closest to are probably doing something that will damage that picture you have in your head about your life. Because we are all the same. We ALL make mistakes. Some make the worst kind and just because they keep checking off the American Dream List, they think it will wash away the HUGE personal mistakes they have made. Yeah we all deserve redemption...that's my point. WE ALL DO. Were all liars, theives, angels and devils at different times in our lives but just because we move on from our mistakes, does not automatically permit you to look down at others. You know, "the don't forget where you came from" rule applies here. I don't care what you are driving, wearing or what elite crowd you are running in, you still are not better than others. We all have our own demons to deal with so stop pretending you don't have any, your kids are perfect and your mate never hurt you. Cause it's life...we muddle through and if were lucky, we'll focus on ourselves so we can live with the inner happiness we all deserve.

You try to not talk shit but when you surround yourself with people who are addicted to it, you end up sharing in the madness. I ain't trying to come off as a saint, as I too have been guilty of it, but I am just done with this mentality and people who are not happy unless they point out the wrongs in other people even if it's what? Say "NO" to shit talking, I say.
If you find yourself recognizing any of these characteristics in you, then don't hit me up to be your friend. I have moved on from a shit load of people who wallowed in these distinctive qualities and I'm done with the drama.

Friend: A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.

If that concept is too hard for you to grasp, then stay the fuck away from me. Thanks

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