The wooden wheels have been set in motion, by the powers that be.
The gods of Hatred,
The soldiers of Greed,
The dark angels of Racism,
The zealous guardsmen of Injustice...
have roamed about the earth leaving a stench much like the scent of mold and death that have possessed us centuries old.
They guard the forbidden land like barbarians swinging their medieval flails to protect the land of milk and honey. Entree only to be given to the selected, whom hide behind the shield of obliviousness in order to drink and be merry.
Like a babe wandering into the woods, unaware of its danger, I have mistakenly crossed the lines from the land of darkness and stumbled onto the fields of fertile ground. The ghostly presence of racism awaiting to consume me, watching my every move, inching me out, escorting me back into the world of dispair. All because the inescapableness glow of my fated tribe has been unapproved by the lord of greed, whom is waiting his turn to devour my very being.
I, a skirt, a bird, a woman unwanted and treated as if I sailed in on my Viking ship ready to steal, murder, rape and take whats thiers. Not solely based on my gender is it that I am perused. But it is the roots of my tree that threatens their commonality.
Medieval ideologies, which refuse to be extinguished in modern times. Instead they invigorate themselves much like the orignal vampire, the mosquito piercing the skin and consuming stolen blood in order to strengthen thier gods mission of hate.
I, the lone peasant, waft along attempting to not get noticed, searching, praying for a way out. Piercing gargoyle eyes watching my every move. I am treated as if they are the Indians and I am the pioneer arriving in the holy land for the first time, unsure of what to make of my arrival. They hide behind thier velveteen curtains and sit in their golden chariots with intricately cut glass, spewing hateful thoughts in the form of sharpened spears.
Alas, it is an ally I see! A soul beaten and bruised, but his eyes speak a different tale. A warrior inside, waiting, lying low until the trumpets flair and vociferous war cry is heard. We speak volumes without uttering a word. One foot in, let the upheaval begin.
To the gods and godesses, let our voices be heard. Until now our spirits have been docile, worker bees and keepers of peace. But in the name of justice, love and equality we arm ourselves, solely with our hearts in hand and now we stand as a legion.
We will unfasten these shackles and escape these chambers not through a secret passage but through the iron gates in order for all to see. We will walk passed the eyes of the guardsmen of injustice whom has vigorously scorged us in the attempt to weaken our souls and it is he that we no longer fear.
To the selected, the worthy ones who reap the benefits that have been unfairly bestowed upon them by the unholy representatives of hatred, racism, greed and unjustice, it is to you that I sing my song.
You must become the bricks that obstruct their wheels which are destined for the future. Reapers of opulence, do not be afraid! You have the power within you to morph into the rod that Moses used to seperate the river in order for The Isrealites to pass on through into the promise land.
No longer accept your ill gotten gold as yours and yours alone. It is for all to claim and until you release your ownership, I warn you. You will fall by the wayside as we clear the field of weeds and shrubbery by the use of our lion hearted swords. We will call upon the strength of our fore fathers and spare no prideful soul.
For the sake of your offspring I bid this fair warning. We have walked one thousand miles; continue on with bloodied feet, yet our focus has not grown weary. We have become ravenous in the desire to push through. Still we march ten thousand miles more. Our arrival is here, the time is now and we stand like Spartans in this war of equality!!! --> -->
1 comment:
I just wanna say that this was inspired by two things:
one: a recent trip through the city if Irvine, Ca.
two: the title was borrowed from Shakespeare
thanks for reading !!
~amor y besos
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